Sustainable Aviation – How does the sustainability transformation of aviation succeed? (2022)
From Insight to Impact – True to the HSG motto, a team of Master’s students and researchers from the Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC) and the Institute for Economy and Environment (IWOE) spent two years working on the sustainability transformation of aviation. As a result of the research project, the book “Sustainable Aviation – A Management Perspective” was published at the end of February. The book has been published by Springer
Aviation Risk and Safety Management (2014)
The International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) decision to require aviation organizations to adopt Safety Management Systems poses a major problem especially for small and medium sized aviation companies. The complexity of regulations overstrains the aviation stakeholders who seek to fully advantage from them but have no clear guidance. The aim of the book is to show the implementation of such a new system with pragmatic effort in order to gain a gradation for smaller operators. This book can be obtained directly from Springer.
Aviation Systems (Second Edition) (2021)
The Future of Mobility: Trends That Will Shape the Mobility and Aviation Industry in the Future.- Fundamentals and Structure of Aviation Systems.- The Environment of Aviation.- From the Aviation Value Chain to the Aviation System.- Airline Strategy - From Network Management to Business Models.- From Airline Network Development to Airline Operations.- Managing Airports.- Demand and Marketing in Aviation.- Passenger Behaviouristics.- Authorities and Regulations in Aviation.- The Holy Grail of Aviation: Risk, Safety and Security.- Human Factors in Aviation.- Risk Management in Aviation.- Aviation Governance.- Long-term Planning of Organizations in Industries With High Uncertainty Environments. New Frontiers in Aviation: Supersonic, Space Travel & Drones. This book can be obtained directly from Springer.