At an interval of two years, the Foundation for Aviation Competence and the Center for Aviation Competence organise a forum on "Risk, Safety and Liability in Aviation" at Zurich Airport. The aim of these forums is to present the views and experiences of practitioners, researchers, legislators and the judiciary in the areas of safety, security, risk management and liability in aviation on the basis of current problem areas. The aspects of insurance will also be taken into account. The thematic problem areas will be discussed in each case with an input presentation and then continued with a discussion round in the plenum, so that an exchange of experiences among the participants is possible. Patrons can suggest the topics they would like to see in the previous year. At the beginning of each forum, news from legislation, literature and judicature related to aviation are presented.
Das FFAC/CFAC Forum 2023 behandelte folgende Schwerpunkt-Themen: Änderung der Verordnung des UVEK über die Lufttüchtigkeit von Luftfahrzeugen (VLL), Verwendung von Flugunfallberichten in Straf- und Zivilverfahren, Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL), Flight Safety Alliance und Fachkräftemangel in der Aviatik (Vorstellung der FFAC/CFAC Studie und Diskussion von Lösungsansätzen.